The Necessity of Homura’s Solitude Part 3: Homura’s Rebellion

Alternate title: “Spoiler Alert: the story, the picture, the anime, the musical, the movie, the article.”

Warning: there will be Rebellion spoilers  (big ones at that) in this article. Read on with caution, and watch the movie already, my word.

In this article, I will go over Homura’s actions in Rebellion with regard to the solitary state that she had been placed in over the course of the series. If you want to know more, I wrote articles in which I break down her loss of Madoka and the other girls. Anyways, the rest of the article is on details from The Rebellion Story. If you haven’t watched it yet, it’s been out for almost a year now, watch it.

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The Necessity of Homura’s Solitude Part 2: And Stay Dead!

Alternate Title: Explaining Madoka/Madokami’s actions

Warning: there will be Rebellion spoilers  (big ones at that) in this series (this article is clean). Read on with caution, and watch the movie already, my word.

If you haven’t read my previous article on the deaths of Tomoe Mami, Miki Sayaka, and Kyouko Sakura yet, I encourage you to read it here, as I’ll be writing with the assumption you have. You won’t miss much if you haven’t but I still feel it’s a good preface to this article.

Today we’ll discuss why Madoka chose not to resurrect her friends and fellow magical girls, and instead chose to ascend to essential god-hood, in doing so freeing the souls of magical girls from becoming witches. After that, we’ll go over what the impact of the decision was, with particular focus on Homura. Without further ado, part two of Homura’s Solitude: “And Stay Dead!”

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